Cookie pricing can be expensive, however if you are on a budget and trying to keep the cost down these are a few things that will increase the cost and you might want to avoid. Using multiple colors per cookie, any hand painted metallic color (Gold, Silver ), multiple details, multiple cookie cutters per dozen.
a basic cookie would be one color on the cookie with minimum design or writing.
Size Basic Detailed Elaborate
2" Cookie $1.75+ $3.25+ $3.75+
3" Cookie $2.75+ $4.00+ $4.75+
4" Cookie $3.50+ $5.00+ $5.75+
5" Cookie $5.00+ $6.00+ $7.00+
2" Round Custom edible image cookies are $4 a cookie (Discount for bulk 500+ $3.50)
Add a personal sticker on the back of each cookie for an additional $5 per dozen.
Need a quote? Email us at [email protected]
Cookie Gift Sets $40-$60
Fire Fighter Cookies
Woodland Themed
Nautical Themed
Baby Shower
Farm/Animal Themes
50"s Theme
Gamer cookies
Beer and Wine
Graduation Cookies
Photo cookies
Company Logo Cookies
Colleges, Universities, High Schools
Name Plaques